Why I Love Burlington Public Library
During National Library Week (2nd week in April), library patrons had the opportunity to fill out postcards that started with “I love my library because”… We received 60 responses, which were displayed for a month and are transcribed below. They are by no means an unbiased sampling (“I love my Library because” is kind of a leading question), but these responses do demonstrate the breadth of activities that the library provides to engage and enrich the lives of the Burlington community.
“I love my library because”…
- “I love to come to this friendly, helpful, well organized library and get free books to enjoy.”
- “There are a lot of games and Legos.”
- “I can watch and read things without buying them.”
- “I like books.”
- “All the books.”
- “Love (being) at the library because it’s nice and quiet.”
- “All the extras like movies, book club & seminars.”
- “All the free resources, friendly people, kid friendly, classes to learn, I love learning.”
- “I am a traveling sales rep and having books on CD helps pass the many miles very entertained.”
- “We love the library because it keeps our kids involved in reading.”
- “All the people who work there! Love holding a book in my hands. Don’t like online reading. My library always has my favorite authors.”
- “Calligraphy classes, kids programming, friendly staff.” (Several smiley face emojis)
- “I love the smell of a real book. All the people who work at the library are great!!”
- “I love a quiet place to do homework for my degree!”
- “This is not enough space for my reasons why I love my library!”
- “Every day is like Christmas when picking up my holds.”
- “It has all the book series that I read.”
- “The books give wide selections of topics.”
- “It has so many things to do and books we can bring home.”
- “There are books I love.”
- “My kids love coming to find new books to read!”
- “The librarians are the best.”
- “We love to learn reading new books.”
- “They help find books I want to read.”
- “They have lots of fun books.” (Hearts and Smiley faces)
- “Wonderful selection and wonderful staff.”
- “I have access to books & movies!”
- “It has all the books I love!”
- “You provide a facility for many varied opportunities for so many people.”
- “…BARB!!”
- “You provide your wonderful facility for us to do our lessons in the quiet space of the conference room, and have wonderful materials for me to use and check out.”
- “I love to read and the library gives me a chance to read many books for no cost.”
- “There is great people and lots to look at.”
- “I have started reading again and it can get quite costly. It’s nice to be able to get good reads. FREE!”
- “They have all my favorite books.”
- “Easy free entertainment.”
- “It is convenient.”
- “Of the wonderful people working at the Burlington location and the interstate system so you can get books from various Wisconsin locations. Thanks again.”
- “It has books, movies, Legos, and crafts.”
- “You have such helpful staff.”
- “They have my favorite books by Rich Riordan.”
- “The people who work here really rock! And the programs are good too. We love the hotspot.”
- “Because of your hours and access to computers, movies, programs of a creative nature. Thank you for being there.”
- “It is awesome! Love it!”
- “I can get books without having to buy them.”
- “I couldn’t start my day without my book and a cup of coffee!! No, really!!!”
- “I love to read.”
- “They have the best staff!”
- “Of all the great books and movies, etc., they have and because of all the kind, helpful people who work there!”
- “It’s a very friendly and welcoming place.”
- “I love the free movies on Monday. I love the helpful people who research videos, books, etc. for us. I love the craft classes and interesting speakers.”
- “Because I can get the latest books when they come and do not have to pay for books. The help is always friendly.”
- L Ladies
I Interesting
B Books
R Research
A Assistance
R Reference
Y YEAH! - “I am able to check out amazing books for my 2 sons and I to enjoy!”
- “The employees are so awesome, helpful, and happy to help us. Thanks for the great work!!”
- “It saves me a ton of money on books.”
- “Because Jackson and Nanni love the library and so do I. Jackson is “2” now, we’ve been coming since Jackson was 3 months. And we love the staff.”
- “I drive a lot and love borrowing audio books.”
- “They always have something new – not just books – for all ages. If you can’t find something to interest you – it’s your own fault!!”
- “Of all the great resources, and the friendly staff that helps use those resources.”