Strategic Plan 2020-2023

Optimize the use and functionality of the library facility

  • Develop a facility master plan and identify short- and long-term goals for the library building
  • Improve physical accessibility within the library, including exploring options for public space in the basement
  • Evaluate the feasibility of potential funding options to improve use of space
  • Identify the purpose and role of the library foundation, as well as individuals to lead its growth

Strengthen partnerships with community organizations

  • Increase collaboration with local schools and learning centers
  • Explore opportunities for sharing community resources to efficiently provide a high level of library service
  • Identify and pursue ways to strengthen the library’s relationships with local businesses
  • Identify and pursue ways to support local economic development initiatives

Showcase the library’s relevance to the community

  • Adjust and promote messaging that mitigates the assumption that the library exclusively provides books
  • Develop a marketing plan to expand the library’s reach and target new audiences
  • Increase use of the library by non- and infrequent users, including tweens and teens, young professionals, and non- and limited-English speaking community members
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