Library Planning & Design
Library Planning Survey:
Information and Background:
The Burlington Public Library has begun a planning effort to assess space needs and building concepts required to deliver current and future library services in the existing library building or in a new library building on a site to be determined. This is a very significant investment, so to gather input, the board has initiated a public planning process with a goal of determining the most appropriate features that should be included in the library. The architectural and engineering firm FEH DESIGN will be facilitating a public engagement process for this analysis.
In June 2020, we assembled a group of community stakeholders to review a number of recommendations. At the conclusion of that process, there were two primary options remaining under consideration. The Library Board wants to cultivate as broad a range of community input as possible so that we know we are selecting the right path to follow forward.
We recognize that this will be a multi-year process, including in-depth planning and fundraising. We recognize also that the complications caused by COVID-19, including economic ramifications, make 2020 a difficult time to consider enhancing community amenities. Our hope is that if we use this time to develop a strong plan, then we will be well-positioned to enact that plan when our community has recovered.
Links to Related Files:
Survey Choices – Closer Look
Survey Choices – Narrative Description
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Joe Davies at director@burlingtonlibrary.org