Capital Campaign: Thinking Outside the Books
A renovated and expanded Burlington Public Library
will be the heart of our Community

100 Extraordinary Women – Campaign Kickoff
We are looking for 100 women to pledge $1,000 each (payable in increments over a five year period) to kickstart our capital campaign.
Burlington Public Library is in need of a major renovation and expansion to fully serve the nearly 20,000 residents of the Burlington area. The library is less than half the size that it needs to be to properly provide services for this population.
How can folks support the library capital campaign?
Contact the Library at 262-342-1130 or ask any staff member for information.
Ways to donate:
- Through the 100 Extraordinary
Women website – - By check made out to “Burlington
Library Foundation”. - Through PayPal to Burlington Public Library Foundation – a donate button is available at
Want to learn more about the library’s plans?
- Check out our space master plan!
- Read our Library Planning Survey results.
Why does Burlington need to renovate and expand the public library?
We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to “think outside the books” of what our library can be. An expanded library will serve as a catalyst for downtown renovation; it will also be a community gathering place and a civic and cultural center now and for future generations.
The library has not been expanded in almost four decades. The current building is 16,019 square feet. Communities the size of Burlington typically have libraries that range from 26,800 to 32,700 square feet. The plan above calls for 29,000 square feet.
This project will add significantly to our community’s quality of life for residents of every age and attract young families and others to move to Burlington.
It is a gift we can give to ourselves and our children.
Recognition Opportunities
Please click the the giving level to see the available recognitions.
$1,000,000 Giving Level (pledged over 5 years)
- Name the new library (in consultation with the City of Burlington)
$500,000 Giving Level (pledged over 5 years)
- Adult Collection Area
- Children’s Collection Area
$250,000 Giving Level (pledged over 5 years)
- Rooftop Reading Terrace
- Multipurpose Large Meeting Room
$100,000 Giving Level (pledged over 5 years)
- Board Room
- Children’s Outdoor Program Area
- Children’s Outdoor Classroom
- Tele-health Area
- Teen Zone
- Circular Entrance on Jefferson Street – Reserved for 100 Extraordinary Women
- Technology throughout the Library including flexible design
$50,000 Giving Level (pledged over 5 years)
- Study Rooms (2 available)
- Coffee Area
- Small Conference and Program Room
- Staff Area
$25,000 Giving Level (pledged over 5 years)
- Help Desk
- Art Gallery Display Wall
- Flag Pole
- Accessible Entry Ramp
- Entrance Roof Canopy
Donor Policies
Donors will be recognized by name both on the donor wall, by giving level of $5,000 or more, and at the selected location in the Library. An electronic screen will list donors of any amount.
Gifts to the 100 Extraordinary Women campaign segment will all be recognized by the Circular Entrance Drive on Jefferson Street.
All naming opportunities are subject to the approval of the Burlington Public Library Board of Trustees. All are subject to change based on the project’s final design.
Gifts can be made anonymously.
Naming opportunities and gift levels are subject to availability and subject to change.
Naming opportunities remain in effect for the useful life of the item named.
You may choose from these suggested wordings:
- “Through the generosity of”
- “In Memory/Honor of”