Help the
Burlington, WI Library
prove that they have the best readers in the country!
The Contenders:
Burlington, Massachusetts
Burlington, North Carolina
Burlington, Wisconsin
Three Burlingtons.
Three weeks.
One reading showdown!
Here’s how it works:
Starting March 10, 2025, this page will have a button for you to click to log your reading minutes.
Any kind of reading counts – books, audiobooks, graphic novels, newspapers, recipes, even being read to!
Keep an eye on how long you spend reading. You can estimate or use a timer.
Enter your minutes on the log that will be available here starting March 10. The form only accepts numbers and the numbers need to represent how many minutes you read. If you write “2 hours” it will be rejected. If you put in the number 2, it will count as 2 minutes.
Make sure to choose Burlington, Wisconsin as your home library.
The last day to enter minutes will be March 31, 2025.
This is a fight for hometown pride! We are battling for eternal 2025 glory!