Meeting Room Policy


The Burlington Public Library has a responsibility to assist patrons to reach their full potential by being a leading resource of information, education, culture and recreation.

The Library believes that the provision of a safe and quiet environment is necessary in its efforts to fill this purpose. Public use of the meeting room should not disrupt the Library’s primary purpose.

With that understanding, the Library does welcome the use of its meeting room, and offers its use to the public on equal terms for the lawful activities of groups and individuals, regardless of their affiliations or beliefs.


The meeting room is available for individuals or groups to conduct organizational or program meetings, seminars, study groups, planning sessions, training programs, or related activities.

All activities must be open to the public. The double-door to the meeting room must remain open during all meetings or activities except in the case of a governmental body or the Library Board of Trustees that have statutory authority to enter into an executive session. The Library reserves the right to monitor all meetings held in the meeting room.

Capacity is limited to 45, and no fee for the use of the meeting room shall be charged.

The meeting room must be used during hours the Library is open, and must be vacated at least 15 minutes prior to Library closing time. Exceptions to this rule can be granted for Library or other governmental activities, at the Director’s discretion.

Prohibited Use

The meeting room may not be used for any purpose which may interfere with the regular operation of the Library; programs involving the sale, advertising, solicitation, or promotion of commercial products or services; personal, family or company parties.

Selling or sales promotions are prohibited with the exception of the Library itself or entities raising funds on behalf of the Burlington Public Library.

If there is an application for the use of the meeting room which the policy does not cover, the application will be referred to the Library Director, or to the Library Board of Trustees. In the event any dispute arises regarding the use of the Library meeting room by any person or group, the final decision shall be made by the Library Board of Trustees.

The Library Director reserves the right to deny use of the meeting room to persons or groups whose use resulted in damage or the disruption of normal Library operations.

Reserving the Meeting Room

The Library meeting room may be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. However, Library-sponsored and City-sponsored activities shall be given priority when considering the meeting room’s usage, followed by local non-profit organizations.

Reservations must be made by a responsible individual or member of the organization who will see that all rules and regulations are followed. Applications must be made online or in writing prior to the event or activity. The individual or organizational representative must report the number of people expected and provide the name and telephone number of the person responsible for the event or activity on a meeting room application form available at the Library circulation desk. The completed meeting room application must be submitted to the Library Director for approval before the meeting room can be reserved.

The Burlington Library Director shall have the right to cancel or re-schedule dates that conflict with Library-sponsored or City-sponsored programs and/or special events.


Alcoholic refreshments are prohibited.

Except in cases of an emergency, messages cannot be conveyed to meeting room guests.

No person or organization may make excessive use of the meeting room.

Tables and chairs are available, but the Library cannot assume responsibility for setting up the room. Returning the tables and chairs to their original configuration at the end of the event is expected.

The Library shall not assume responsibility for damage to materials or equipment used in the meeting room. This applies to materials and equipment owned by the individual or organization. The individual or organization using the meeting room assumes responsibility for any damage to the room, chairs, tables, or library-owned equipment or materials in the meeting room.

No materials or equipment may be attached to the walls of the meeting room. No materials or equipment may be stored in the meeting room or at the Library between meetings.

The meeting room must be left clean and free of litter when the activity is concluded.


The fact that an individual or organization is permitted to use the Library’s meeting room does not in any way constitute endorsement of the individual’s or organization’s policies or beliefs by the Library. No advertisements or announcements implying such endorsements shall be permitted.

All advertisements, announcements, flyers, brochures or other materials connected with any individual’s or organization’s use of the meeting room must contain the disclaimer: “Use of the Library’s meeting room by an individual or group does not constitute Library endorsement of the policies or beliefs of that individual or group.”

Any materials containing the name or address of the Library used to publicize or announce an individual’s or group’s use of the meeting room must be approved by the Library Director before publication, distribution or posting.

Click Here for Meeting Room Application

Policy Adopted: January 26, 1981
Last Revised: August 22, 2017

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