Checkout and Return Policy

(also referred to as Material Circulation Policy)

To check out library materials, present the materials and your library card at the Checkout Desk.

Books, magazines and audio materials may be returned either to the Returns Desk or to the outside book drop (when the library is closed), or to any library in the SHARE consortium.  All DVDs, compact discs, and other breakable items should be returned to the Returns Desk or to the special AV book drop outside.

Due Dates

Most materials are due three weeks from the date that you check them out.  Some special materials (for example: new books, interlibrary loan materials, audiobooks,  DVDs, music CDs, and some Library of Things items) are due at other times.

Teachers employed by public or private preschools or K-12 educational institutions within the library’s service area may apply for a teacher card with longer checkout privileges and exemption from extended use fees.

A receipt with the due date  will be provided for you with the item at checkout.  Use it as a reminder to avoid late returns.

Overdue Notices

No overdue fines are charged for Burlington Public Library materials. Replacement costs may be charged for damaged or lost materials.  Additionally, items owned by other libraries may still accrue fines for overdue items.

Overdue notices will be sent out when materials are one week overdue.  It is your responsibility to return materials on or before the due date.  You may choose to receive an email and/or SMS text message to notify you several days before materials are due to help you remember.

Items that are long overdue will be assumed lost, and the bill for those items will be added to your library account. Returning the item may remove the replacement fee for the items. Patron accounts exceeding $25.00 in lost items may be referred to a collection agency, with the cost of this referral being added to the patron account.

If outstanding charges exceed $10.00, we regret that the Burlington Public Library must suspend your materials borrowing privileges until items are returned or damages are paid for.  Burlington Public Library retains records of lost and damaged items for up to 10 years.


All patrons may renew most items once, unless there are reservations on the item or the item is in high demand (for example:special holiday items such as music CDs or seasonal holiday books may not be renewed).

You may renew materials at the Checkout Desk, by phone or through the SHARE Catalog.  Please have your library card available when you call to renew.  To renew using the SHARE Catalog, you need your library card and PIN number.  PIN numbers are available at the Checkout Desk.


Approved by the Burlington Public Library Board of Trustees
Effective April 1, 2021
Amended February 25, 2025

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